Sample Draft of Hire Purchase Agreement

When entering into a hire purchase agreement, it`s crucial to have a clear and concise legal document outlining all the terms and conditions. A sample draft of a hire purchase agreement can help you understand the key sections of the document.


The first part of the agreement should introduce the parties involved in the transaction. This includes the seller, who is the owner of the item being sold, and the buyer, who wishes to acquire it through hire purchase.

Price and Payment Terms

This section should outline the total price of the item being sold, as well as any down payment or deposit required. It should also include the payment schedule, including the number of installments, amount per installment, and the due date.

Title Retention

The seller retains ownership of the item until the final payment has been made by the buyer. This means that the buyer does not have full ownership until the final installment has been paid.

Delivery of Goods

This section should outline the delivery of the goods, including the date and location of delivery. It should also include any conditions or requirements for delivery, such as the buyer`s responsibility for transportation or insurance.

Maintenance and Repair

The agreement should specify the responsibilities of both parties regarding the maintenance and repair of the item. This includes who is responsible for any repairs or maintenance during the hire purchase period.


This section should outline the circumstances under which the hire purchase agreement can be terminated by either party. It should also include any penalties or fees associated with early termination.


The agreement should also outline the consequences of default, including late payments or failure to make payments. This includes any penalties, fees, or legal action that may result from default.


A well-written hire purchase agreement protects both the seller and the buyer and ensures a smooth transaction. A sample draft of a hire purchase agreement can serve as a guide to ensure that all the key sections are included and well-defined. Remember, when it comes to legal documents, it`s always best to consult a professional before entering into any agreement.

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